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The Corvados (singular: Corvado/a) are a crow-like Eyriefolk and Woodfolk race which are commonly found all throughout Howl Basin, by far the most common of all the avian peoples of the region. As you might expect given their split allegiances, they are known for qualities associated with both folks; the mysticism and eye for tradition of the Woodfolk, and the taciturn, perhaps even aloof honourbound attitudes of the Eyriefolk. Outside of those communities, they have a reputation for greed and social climbing, but those who know better than to lock on to the stereotypes the Howl Basin denizens keep of one another can see past such things and understand the Corvados as as complex and nuanced a people as any other. Of all the Eyriefolk communities they have the strongest traditions of mutual support, forming large clans that are easily recognized by the traditions of the Woodfolk, Landfolk, and Packfolk, and have a curious and adventurous nature that makes a Corvados explorer as likely as a city-dwelling Corvados scientist or a rugged Corvados marshall.


Corvados are actually endemic to the World as a whole, found on every continent since time immemorial. The Basin Clans of the Corvados are native to Howl Basin specifically and ally themselves with the Woodfolk, whereas other clans are more closely aligned with the Eyriefolk. That said, the Corvados factions have by and large been aware of each other for centuries by the contemporary period of Howl Basin becoming part of the Frontier, and have been in communication and mutual trade with one another for centuries beforehand.

Corvados clans have complex histories amongst each other. It's said that any Corvados clans that know the names of any other corvados clans can almost certainly find times in their history when the clans intermarried, times when they engaged in trade, times where they fought together, and times where they fought against each other.


Art and Architecture

Corvados architecture has a (perhaps deserved) reputation for being entirely function-forward. Many Corvados arts, including architecture, place the sturdiness and serviceability of the resulting object or structure above all other concerns, but do so surprisingly well. Visitors are often surprised to find that that ramshackle shack is as spacious, dry, and well-managed on its interior as it is, considering it looks like it could either be caved in by a strong wind, or was erected by one.


The Corvid language is easily learned but requires a broad vocal range; Corvados learning other languages rarely have accents as perceived by other native speakers of those languages as a result. The writing system is derived from the Adler writing system, but also uses two distinct alphabets for its own writing that are unique to Corvid - one for native words and another for "collected" loanwords.


"The right way to rob a movin' train is to stop it first."

- Anonymous Lagos Bandit

This article or section alludes to information that is under active development and subject to change.

Corvados are omnivores and scavengers, with some even practicing carrion scavenging, for which they have an especially suited biology. In built-up areas this practice is rare, however, as it is always seen as an unfortunate alternative to fresher foods. Corvados practice a large degree of food hygine and have bathing rituals before their meals, when the situation permits their observance.

Religion and Spirituality

Corvados tend to be syncretic - their cultural emphasis on collection and exploration means they tend to pick up the parts of religions and mythologies that suit them best and add them together into a sort of fusion. While the Eyriefolk Corvados tend to be a bit more religiously orthodox than their Woodfolk cousins, this tendency to collect mythologies means they often have their own, idosyncratic, interpretations of the relevant local religions and myths.

They have their own special traditions around funary rites and the treatment of the dead, and many work in these areas full time as undertakers, clergy, mediums, and so forth.

Science and Technology

Corvados accept and cultivate that which benefits them, and technology is no exception. Corvados tend to easily accept the recent influx of new technologies into the Basin and the rest of the World, owing to the overall boons these technologies provide. A few Corvados even become technologists themselves, and among both the Eyriefolk and the Woodfolk they tend to be seen as experts in the repair and maintainanance of equipment.

Many outsiders view Corvados engineering with some suspicion; there is a perception of these "innovations" being slapdash, inappropriate, or un-secured. While this is sometimes the case with some Corvados, in general the ravenfolk actually have very robust systems, and even infrastructure that is prone to failure is often speedily repaired.


"Wut in... I'm not entirely sure what you're tryin' to do here, kid."

- Unknown Varki Prospector

This section is a placeholder; the information that goes there is missing or relies on Gameplay Mechanics yet to be developed.


Corvados have an insular streak that cause their communities to be made up of mostly Corvados, and tehrefore can be found in all levels and roles such a society has to offer. Those who break away from this trend and join other communities tend to operate from the periphery of those communities, cleaning up the scraps and keeping to their own ways as much as they can get away with.


General Body Plan

Lagos are an anthropoid species, on average between 1.6 to 2 metres tall, with fully feathered bodies and raven or crow-like heads. Their coloration varies, with black being by far the most common, but occasionally ranges even into the lighter blues and whites. They tend to be slender, even frail-looking by comparison to many non-avian species.

Their arms double as wings and they have long tails appropriate to suit the needs of flight. However, most Corvados can barely sustain flight under their own power for longer than a few minutes carrying any sort of real load - gravity just works too strongly against them. Most eschew flight entirely, therefore, and go about on foot, horseback, or by vehicle just like everyone else, and limit their flying to glides.

Gameplay Mechanics

"The right way to rob a movin' train is to stop it first."

- Anonymous Lagos Bandit

This article or section alludes to information that is under active development and subject to change.

Base Attributes

Corvados characters begin play with +1 Intuition and + 1 Analysis, but -1 Strength and -1 Presence.

Heritage Trait

All Corvados have the Iron Gut (Heritage Trait) property.

Lagos may also select any one of the following secondary heritage traits: