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The Delvin (singular and plural are amiguous) are a mole-like Landfolk race which are commonly found all throughout Howl Basin. Like most Landfolk, they're known for a strong sense of community. They're the most insular of all the Landfolk, even moreso than the Varki, and for the most part keep entirely to their own communities; those seen outside those communities are traders, outcasts, or both. The sole major exception - miners - has become the main source of external impressions, but the Delvin people are as varied and diverse as all the other peoples of Howl Basin.


Delvin are native to the Continent in general, including Howl Basin, and favour regions where they can safely conduct large excavations, having adapted toward a largely underground lifestyle. For the most part, they have kept to themselves, but the recent explosive growth of industry throughout the World has placed their services in suddenly high demand, as their expertise as diggers and tunnellers has translated well into the mining industry.


Art and Architecture

Delvin are not known as great artists - they live their lives largely in the dark and even with modern technology do not heavily light their homes. What arts they have tend to be focused on sculpture, and they have quite a tradition of narrative bas-relief; those who know of this property occasionally even hire Delvin craftspeople to commission such works to be displayed more publically.

The Delivin have a unique architectural style where one or more "nuclear" family units in the same extended family build expansive underground steadings with two or more points of surface access. It's thought they developed this habit to avoid violence and strife.


The Delvin (Language) language is unique, with its own script, which involves straight-edged characters intended to be carved into a surface so that they can be read back with a claw-point. Many Delvin also speak at least one other language - usually Lagosi, now that there is so much trade in Howl Basin.


"The right way to rob a movin' train is to stop it first."

- Anonymous Lagos Bandit

This article or section alludes to information that is under active development and subject to change.

Food is one of the main concerns of the Delvin, who often feel that they do not have enough "put by", regardless of socioecnomic class. They have little tradition of historical preservation, but the relatively modern concept of canning has caught on, and Delvin make quite a lot of canned foods that they lie by in large larders. They have also been known to cultivate certain species of insects, such as crickets, as a delicacy. Delvin are especially renowned for Blackwater, a moonshine-style corn whiskey. Every "burrow" has its own recipe for the moonshine and trading samples of these is a common cultural practice amongst Delvin who meet outside of their usual clan.

Religion and Spirituality

Delvin religious orthodoxy is highly variable, and even Delvin who have relatively mainstream religious beliefs tend to mingle them with their own cultural mythos system. They have an extreme paranoia when it comes to Strangeness and more campfire stories about Strange Occurrences underground than seems wise for a culture that lives entirely underground.

Science and Technology

By and large, Delvin have ambivalent, to slightly negative, impressions of new technology. While some have improved their lives and many others border on being essential, the fact remains that steam power and the advent of the various Mineral Rushes have been, at best, a mixed blessing for the Delvin. On the one hand, these industrial changes have created a mass employment boon from which the Delvin have disproportionately benefitted; on the other hand, the over-representation of Delvin among mining crews in an age with relatively lax mining safety regulation has meant that a great many Delvin who went off to seek their fortunes came home gravely injured, or worse.


See Also: Delvin Fume Stories, Delvin Worksongs

The Delvin have two primary entertainment streams available to them, which unsurprisingly have also become their two major cultural touchstones: Fume Stories being the general team for their cultural tales of haunted tunnels and underground monsters, and Worksongs being a tradition of music in fashions similar to blues or shanties designed to reinforce unity of effort, or grieve common hardships.


To much of Howl Basin Society, the Delvin are simply "the miners". While this isn't the sum total of their personalities or capabilities, it's the face many others in the basin - even other Landfolk - see of the Delvin. In their own circles, Delvin occupy almost every social role you'd expect. A few wealthy Delvin have become magnates in their own right and acclimate to above-ground living, usually in close proximity to Hivefolk cities, coordinating their mining concerns with the greater industrial concerns that form their customer base.


General Body Plan

Delvin are an anthropoid species, on average between 1.6 to 2 metres tall, with fully furred bodies and mole-like heads. They often have excellent muscle definition under their fur and most have large hands equipped with sturdy claws which are suitable for digging even without additional tools. Their fur tends to range from black through grey.

The Delvin are the only Landfolk race entirely without tails.

Gameplay Mechanics

"The right way to rob a movin' train is to stop it first."

- Anonymous Lagos Bandit

This article or section alludes to information that is under active development and subject to change.

Base Attributes

Delvin characters begin the game with +2 Hardiness and -2 Intuition.

Heritage Trait

All Delvin have the Darkvision (Heritage Trait) property.

Delvin may also select any one of the following secondary heritage traits: