
From Howl Basin
Revision as of 14:03, 10 March 2023 by Zadammac (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''Striggans''' (singular: Striggan) are an owl-like Eyriefolk and Woodfolk race which are commonly found all throughout Howl Basin, by far the most common of all the avian peoples of the region. As you might expect given their split allegiances, they are known for qualities associated with both folks; the mysticism and eye for tradition of the Woodfolk, and the taciturn, perhaps even aloof honourbound attitudes of the Eyriefolk. Unlike the Corv...")
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The Striggans (singular: Striggan) are an owl-like Eyriefolk and Woodfolk race which are commonly found all throughout Howl Basin, by far the most common of all the avian peoples of the region. As you might expect given their split allegiances, they are known for qualities associated with both folks; the mysticism and eye for tradition of the Woodfolk, and the taciturn, perhaps even aloof honourbound attitudes of the Eyriefolk. Unlike the Corvados, who are in a similar position in terms of broadly overlapping two folks, the Striggans have largely embraced and cultivated the stereotypes about them. They tend to favour independence over community, and live by strict (though personal) codes of honour. Striggans who assimilate into the broader culture of the Howl Basin and make their way into the cities make popular bankers, salaried men, managers, foremen, and lawmen.


Striggans are actually endemic to the World as a whole, found on every continent since time immemorial. The Columbian Parliament of the Striggans are native to Howl Basin specifically and ally themselves with the Woodfolk, whereas other clans are more closely aligned with the Eyriefolk. That said, the Striggan factions have by and large been aware of each other for centuries by the contemporary period of Howl Basin becoming part of the Frontier, and have been in communication and mutual trade with one another for centuries beforehand.

Striggans have no cultural history of civil warfare, in the sense that the Striggan Clans (also known as "Parliaments") never fight amongst each other, or within their own ranks. While there is the rare tradition or aberration of duels between the leaders of such clans, nothing reaches the scale seen in other peoples of the Basin. Attempting to foment such is seen as deeply dishonourable and occasionally fuels Striggan perception of other, more warlike groups, as barbarians.


Art and Architecture

Striggan architecture is deeply tied to the clan that spawned it. In the case of the common relation, the Columbia Parliament, Howl Basin's Striggans employ surprisingly straightforward and simple architectural techniques, focused largely on the use of wood, and when available, brick. Greater care is paid to positioning; the Striggan ethos prefers harmoneous lines, and so many houses are constructed in such ways that they are difficult to distinguish from the surroundings. This is not to say that they are camoflaged, merely that they lack ostentation; a house constructed in a city will simply be alike to those on either side of it, wheras a cabin in the woods will be tucked politely into an advantageous position.


The Striggan language is spare but full of nuance, which makes it somewhat difficult to learn as it is rich in homophones and synonyms both. It is written in the Adler writing system, but using a wholly different pronounciation. Of late, modern Striggans have taken to using two relatively new writing systems for native words and loanwoods, alongside Adler, to aid in pronunciation.

Striggans are known for using pens made of their own feathers, which most are capable of relatively rapidly fashioning. Many Striggans are literate (moreso than usual for the time) and carry inkstones with them.


"The right way to rob a movin' train is to stop it first."

- Anonymous Lagos Bandit

This article or section alludes to information that is under active development and subject to change.

Striggans are obligate carnivores, eating almost exclusively the meat of mammals and foul. This tends to cause uncomfortable tension with groups like the Lagos who eat exclusively plant matter and who superficially resemble Striggan prey creatures.

Religion and Spirituality

Striggans have their own animist traditions that they maintain, and which they consider seperate from religion-in-the-sense-of-gods. In the Striggan popular ethos, there is a distinction between their traditional obligations to the spirits inherent to places and objects, and the question of Godhood. With Howl Basin having become the Frontier, many Striggans who have chosen to assimilate into the general culture of the Federals are also adopting this new church to varying degrees.

Science and Technology

Striggans believe in continual improvement, but they don't like rapid change. Striggan engineers, doctors, architects, and artisans would all prefer to make incremental and nuanced refinements to traditional methods, techniques, and designs than radical change. For this reason, there's often a great reluctance among striggans to abandon their traditional craftsmanship in favour of the newer designs and technologies.

This has created something of a "technology gap" where Striggans from outside the Howl Basin, such as those with strong ties to the Eyriefolk or from quite far afield indeed, tend to be seen by Howlers as quite modern and integrated parts of the Federals' culture, whereas Columbian Striggans tend to be seen as almost primative. This is a great disservice to the Columbian Striggans, who have lived quite comfortably as part of the general civilization of the Basin for as long as the Basin itself has been populated, and who are just as intelligent, culturally nuanced, and advanced as anyone else.


"Wut in... I'm not entirely sure what you're tryin' to do here, kid."

- Unknown Varki Prospector

This section is a placeholder; the information that goes there is missing or relies on Gameplay Mechanics yet to be developed.


Striggan "communities" are more cultural than geographical, as they prefer to house as nuclear families, and value a degree of physical separation from even their blood relations. While not extremists in this regard, this means they only occasionally form congregated towns. Instead they are far more likely to form large ranching or hunting "communities", often with a central lodge or meeting-place, but with family residences scattered throughout an area the size of a small county.


General Body Plan

Gameplay Mechanics

"The right way to rob a movin' train is to stop it first."

- Anonymous Lagos Bandit

This article or section alludes to information that is under active development and subject to change.

Base Attributes

Heritage Trait